How will Covid-19 Impact Diversity & Inclusion Strategies?

By Harry Hollines | May 07, 2021

It is no surprise that many CEO’s, founders and managers are preoccupied with staying afloat…

7 Painful and Costly Startup Mistakes

By Harry Hollines | April 13, 2021

The early days of a startup are exciting. Not only are you hustling to find…

Why Saying “No” is Critical to Success

By Harry Hollines | June 12, 2019

I turned down a couple engagements in the past few weeks that did not align…

6 Essential Steps for Startups and Early Stage Tech Companies to Find Better Investors

By Harry Hollines | May 09, 2019

Investors are critical to your success as an early stage company. Not only do they…

Increase Revenue and Fuel Startup Growth with a Business KPI for Lawyers

By Harry Hollines | April 02, 2019

Time-to-Market (TTM) is a crucial key business indicator (KPI) for your success.  TTM is a…

The Real Reasons Startup and Early Stage Companies Fail

By Harry Hollines | February 08, 2019

It’s a sad reality, but many startup and early stage companies fail. Whether it’s a…